Welcome to the first Couples Night of 2024


Date: Sunday May 26th

Time: 12:30pm two-tee start

Cost: $40 per player

Format: Las Vegas Scramble


Welcome to the 1st couples event of the 2024 season. This event will be open to the first 60 golfers (30 couples) registered. We will be teeing off starting at 12:30pm off #1 and #10. A buffet dinner and prize presentation will be held in the Academy building after golf.


This year the format is a 4 person Las Vegas Scramble. Which means similar to a regular scramble everyone tee's off, but the trick is you have players designated #1, 2, 3 and 4. You roll a dice to find out who's tee shot you must hit. If you are lucky enough to have a 5 or 6 show up on the dice you can choose who's drive to take, otherwise the # on the dice is who's drive you take.  


Sign up open at 9:00am Tuesday April 30th and it closes Thursday May 23rd at noon.


To sign up click the top tab that says REGISTER NOW on the left and follow the prompts from there. If you experience difficulties and need assistance email Mike and he can sign you up or walk you through it. mloewen@morningstargolf.com



Team Morningstar